They had heard what Jesus had done. (MK. 3:7-8)

The passage opens with Jesus and his followers journeying to a town. They arrive at the city gate and find that the townspeople are in such a state of unrest that they do not want to let them in. What had happened? The people had heard what Jesus had done!

The people learned about what Jesus had done in his ministry. They heard of his healings and the miracles he performed. They saw him cast out demons and they looked at the hungry, desperate people that surrounded him.

The expression "they had heard what Jesus had done" means that they had heard about what Jesus was doing.

Jesus' fame quickly spread and the people were amazed at his teaching, especially when he healed their sick. They inquired about him from those who were with him.

Always remember Jesus loves me. Say it out loud.

Say it again Jesus loves me.

You are never alone. God Bless Brother Philip


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