Saint Benedict, the founder of the Benedictine monastic order, emphasized the importance of Lenten observance in his Rule for Monasteries. Here are some of the practices he recommended:

1. Fasting - Saint Benedict required his monks to fast during Lent. He recommended that they eat one meal a day, with no meat or wine, and that this meal should be taken in the afternoon.

2. Prayer - In addition to their regular prayer schedule, Saint Benedict instructed his monks to spend more time in prayer during Lent. This included reading scripture, attending liturgical services, and spending time in private devotion.

3. Almsgiving - Saint Benedict encouraged his monks to give to the poor during Lent. He wanted them to be generous and to share what they had with others.

4. Silence - Saint Benedict recommended that his monks observe greater silence during Lent. This was to help them focus on their spiritual lives and to avoid distractions.

5. Humility - Saint Benedict placed a strong emphasis on humility throughout his Rule. He wanted his monks to be humble and to recognize their own faults and weaknesses. This was especially important during Lent, when they were reflecting on their sins and striving for greater holiness.

These practices can be adapted today as we observe Lent. Fasting, prayer, almsgiving, silence, and humility are all important aspects of Lenten observance, and can help us to deepen our spiritual lives and draw closer to God.

Jesus loves me. Say it out loud.

Say it again Jesus loves me.

You are never alone. God Bless Brother Philip


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